
  • Wed, Mar 2025


Banff Korean War Gapyeong (previous known as Kapyong) Battle Victory Monument

Banff Korean War Gapyeong (previous known as Kapyong) Battle Victory Monument

As Co-Chairs of the Korean War Veterans Advocates of Canada (HooJung Jones Kennedy and Major(Ret’d) Don Kennedy), we are honoured to preserve the legacy of our Korean War Veterans by erecting the «Banff Korean War Gapyeong

Each year, over 4.5 million tourists from the world travel to the Rocky Mountains and the beautiful town of Banff. The Royal Canadian Legion Br. 26 Col. Moore is located in the heart of Banff downtown. The Battle of Gapyeong/Kapyong is one of the greatest victorious battles in Canadian Military history. The Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry 2nd Battalion was instrumental in the winning of the Battle of Gapyeong, April 23 - April 25, 1951. They received a “United States Presidential Unit Citation” for their valor during the battle. This battle helped to save Seoul, the Capital City of the Republic of Korea (South Korea) and helped to preserve Peace and Freedom. It is the 110th Anniversary of the Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry. The City of Gapyeong has generously donated the monument, base and four bronze plaques (5 ton) and shipping (approximately $60,000). There were over 150 guests including Blake Richards, MP, Shadow Minister of the Veterans Affairs Canada, Woongsoon Lim, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea, TeawonSeo, Mayor of Gapyeong County, Hugh Pettigrew, City Councillor of the Town of Banff, Gapyeong delegates, 9 Korean War Veterans including 2 Gapyeong Battle Veterans Edwin (Ted) Adye, Kevin Villiger, Bgen (Ret’d) Raymond Romses, Honourary Colonel of PPCLI, Col. Dongwon Lee, Defence Attaché, HooJung Jones Kennedy and Major (Ret’d) Don Kennedy, Co-Chairs of the Korean War Veterans Advocates of Canada, other Veterans and guests attended the Monument Unveiling ceremony and Veterans Appreciation Dinner. It was our pleasure to nominate 9 Korean War Veterans, RCNA, the RCL Br. 26 Col. Moore, RCL Br, 144 Pinellas County for the “Appreciation Certificates” from Hon. Senator Yonah Martin and Gapyeong Mayor Teawon Seo and the UPF Appreciation medal for 9 Korean War Veterans and other Veterans. We send special thanks to our sponsors including many RCNA Branches, Glenn Miller, Lethbridge United Services Institute, Veterans News (in-kind printing of our event program) for our monument and ceremony. Banff Korean War Gapyeong Battle Victory Monument will be a true testament of the Korean War Veterans legacy as many generations to remember them.